BOZEMAN, MT – Shortly before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bozeman citizens who wanted to actively participate in the increasingly globalized world established the Montana Center for International Visitors (MCIV).  Twenty-five years later, this organization reaches a turning point. MCIV will change its name to reflect the expanding scope of the organization; WorldMontana: Center for Diplomacy and Leadership.
Founded in 1987 WorldMontana® acts as the Rocky Mountain wrangler for the US State Department’s Foreign Leadership programs in addition to organizing many government and private international exchanges linking Montana to countries and cultures far beyond our borders.  The name change reflects the non-profit’s growing scope of work as well as the new programs it has embraced in recent years.
While WorldMontana® will maintain its focus on education and exchanges, its portfolio is expanding to include leadership development.  Our mission is to further the cause of citizen diplomacy thru global exchanges, community engagement and leadership development.
ABOUT WorldMontana®:
WorldMontana® is an affiliate of the National Council for International Visitors (NCIV) based in Washington, D.C. We are one of 95 U.S. non-profit centers dedicated to promoting global understanding through citizen diplomacy. One of the ways WorldMontana® fosters global understanding is by facilitating the International Visitor Leadership Program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. In Montana, we host approximately 150 international leaders through this program each year.
For information about WorldMontana® (Montana’s window on the international stage), please call Ellen M. Bush at (406) 447 4444 or email

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